Saturday, September 03, 2005

Rock & Roll Life Style

When I was 20 I met this great guy Mark. We've lost touch, but it hasn't stopped me from thinking of him often. You see Mark was one of those people who had a really great life style, one that I hope he still enjoys. He had a low overhead- no kids, no mortgage. He always worked at jobs he enjoyed, and most importantly ones that gave him time to do the things that he really loved- see live music, and spend time outdoors hiking and camping. Mark is also the man who introduced me to the concept of independent wealth. Neither of us had it then, and although I can't speak for him, I definitely still don't. But that is neither here nor there. But getting to the point...seeing live music is one of my favorite things. So when I heard that the Dirtbombs were playing with a great local garage/surf band The James T. Kirks, I knew a great evening of live music was 2 weeks away. The tickets are pricey $25+ but it's not stopping me from going. It's penance for 1% of the music I've downloaded- I always said I would support the arts when I could afford it, and you know even though I can't really- fuck it! It's just my feeble attempt at a temporary rock & roll lifestyle.


At 9/04/2005 09:49:00 AM, Blogger Vivec said...

right on, lady! or should that be, rock on? :)


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